Friday, December 11, 2009

Grumpy Old Women

They had a spectacular holiday party Wednesday at the independent senior living facility where my grandmother lives. She could invite family so my mother, aunt, and I went. It was really top-notch, with huge shrimp, hot hors d'oeuvres, and wine a-flowing. The only problem was that there were lots and lots of guests, and a buffet style dinner. Many of the guests, too, were over 90-years-old and therefore a little slower than, say, a 20-year old, at filling their plates.

To try to alleviate this, the staff, who did an absolutely wonderful job, called everybody table by table to go to the buffet. As we waited, a resident walked in with her son on her arm. They began to look for their table.

My grandmother pointed. "See that lady?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Nobody ever wants to sit with her," MomMom sniffed. "All she ever does is complain."

Shortly after we were called to get our dinner. But when you got to the hallway, you still weren't allowed to go right in. You had to line up. So some people would follow the rules and wait forever while others would simply saunter in.

It caused some angry feelings.

After we had waited for a while, we were finally told that we would be next, when a group of residents went to the front of the line. My mother kindly explained that we had been waiting.

But MomMom, God love her, announced to this group of women, quite loudly, that they had to go to the BACK of the line.

By this time, the women knew this, and were already cross about it. So my grandmother shrieking at them was the last straw.

"WE ARE!" one of the women shouted back, right in MomMom's face.

And my grandmother swatted her, half-playfully but hard, and said, "I didn't mean YOU."

(Which, she obviously did.)

I was afraid there might be some walkers flying soon, but luckily, the women walked away and we got our meal.

I guess you never outgrow meanness, even if you are pushing ninety.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanks from Sara M.

I've got just a few more names to add to that thanks!

One big thanks to Mrs. Emily Farrell. Way back in the spring of 2008, Mrs. Farrell let me bring the concept of 'Memoirs' into her creative writing class to do a workshop with her kids. The stories we received from her high school students make up some of the most intriguing, gripping, and openly honest parts of the finished book. She's a terrific teacher and friend!

Also, thanks to all my friends who turned out to show their support for the book: Lisa and Dave Baxter, Marybeth and Jen Kraus, Robert Repino, Whitney Deeney, Bonnie Frederick, and Mandy Cook. And, of course, a big thanks to Mr. Ajit Jain. :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanks From Melissa M.

Last evening we had our first local reading at The Seven Stones Café in Media. I would like to thank them for having us, and for the great lattes. The café provided a cozy and comfortable atmosphere for us to host the reading. It was also wonderful to have friends and family attend.

Special thanks to our readers, Strath Haven students and graduates. Marco Kopac read 'Smash' from Part 1 of the book; Rama Hamarneh read 'Samson' from Part 2; Lia Rosalksky read 'Talk to Me' from Part 2; and Jane Rohrer read 'Pedestal' from Part 4. They are all very talented.

Also, thanks to my mom, Judy; dad, George; and brother, Matt; my friend and talented cover artist Rich; and friends Katie and Fran. I also had some lovely surprises: my friends Anne, Janell, and Jeff whom I haven't seen in years all came to support my sister and I at the reading. It means so much to me.

(It's quite ironic when you get a bunch of the nicest people in the world together to discuss meanness! :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Memoirs of Meanness by Sara McDermott and Melissa McDermott

What does "mean" mean to you?
Professional writers and high school students alike have answered that question in Memoirs of Meanness, an anthology that takes an intensely personal look at how mean behavior evolves throughout our lives. Several authors have written about their experiences with both being mean and being other people’s targets, and others have written short fictional pieces or poems on the subject.
Meanness is a topic we can all relate to, but each story is unique!
To order a copy of the book, click hereTo share your own mean experience with us online, please write to or comment on the blog.
What to do: Share your experience, short story, or poem about meanness. If you are guilt- ridden about knocking some poor kid’s blocks down in nursery school and would like to apologize, feel free!
What not to do: Insult or abuse a fellow human being, or share incriminating evidence.